New Attributes For Current Classes
Throw in alternate primary attributes for our characters so we can decide to use either. Here's what I had in mind. Each attribute will have it's own skills aswell, but few.
Monk : Health Storage
This would allow monks to have more life and quicker natural health regeneration. (when out of battle when you regenerate)
Ranger : Camoflage
This would allow rangers to blend into their environment by becoming semi-translucent.
Elementalist : Coordination
This is for elementalists to delay their skill's effects after casting, but take on consequences depending on your skill. (May have to maintain the skill as an enchantment, suffer health degeneration, or even blacked out after using held off skills depending on what Skill from coordination was used)
Necromancer : Fast Recharging
Skills will recharge faster.
Warrior : Style
This allows warriors to use new stances and techniques that change the ways weapons are used. (Using shield as main weapon, throwing axe at opponent and then have to touch them to retreive it, holding hammer above head so that attack deals more damage but takes longer to attack, suicidal attacks that attack opponents behind you but stab through your stomach)
Mesmer : Taunting
This would let mesmers redirect attacks from themselves and other players to other players. (Allies attacking allies, all attacks hit alternate target)